To be the team which correctly guesses the most items that a fellow team member describes before the finish of the game. The game finishes when a team counter has past the finish line and all teams have had an equal number of goes.
- Adults and children over the age of 8 years.
- 4 to 8 players are required.
- Each player requires a separate computer.
- In addition, each player will need access to a video communication app such as WhatsApp or zoom. This can be on a separate phone or tablet.
- The player that was scheduled first (the first email address at the time of scheduling) will have the task of allocating players to teams. There can be 2 to 4 teams and each team must have at least two members.
- The computer randomly selects which team is to have the first go.
- The playing board is displayed on the left of your screen.
- Each team is allocated a coloured circular counter. At the start of the game these counters are placed in the segment of the board labelled start.
- Each segment is labelled with a topic. There are 7 topics. When it is your go a member of your team describes items associated with that topic.
- The dashboard is to the right of the playing board.
- A player's dashboard reflects the role that they have for that turn of the game.
- There are three roles:
- Describer: a member of the team whose go it is.
- Guesser: all other members of the team whose go it is.
- Observer: all members of teams whose go it is not.
- The first 4 rows of all dashboards contain the same type of information:
- Row 1: The name of the player using that computer.
- Row 2: A description of your role for that turn.
- Row 3: This row is split into two cells:
- The first cell is the name of the 'describer'.
- The second cell is a countdown clock indicating how many seconds the describer has left.
- Row 4: The topic to which items being described are associated with.
- Describers dashboard: At the start of their go their dashboard has 3 other rows. These rows are:
- The first additional row. This row is split into two, it is initially empty. When the count -down starts this row will be populated with the items to be described.
- The second additional row. This row is also split into two. Each cell contains a button labelled 'GOT'. Each time a item is successfully communicated, the button under the item should be clicked.
- The third additional row also contains a button. This button is labelled 'START WHEN READY'. It should be clicked when the describer is composed and ready to receive items to be described. On pressing the button, the countdown commences and items to be described are placed in the first additional row.
- Guessers dashboard: When the describer starts the countdown clock starts running. When an item has been successfully communicated, that item is added to the bottom of the guessers dashboard and the score for that turn updated.
- Observers dashboard: At the start of their go their dashboard has 3 other rows. These rows are:
- The first additional row. This row contains the score for this turn.
- The second additional row. This row is split into two, it is initially empty. When the count -down starts this row will be populated with the items to be described.
- The third additional row. This row is initially empty. It is populated with the items successfully communicated during this go.
- On completion of the countdown one of the observers has an additional row added to their dashboard. This row contains an 'AGREE' button and the score that has been claimed by the describer. After a conversation with all players the score should be edited if required and then the 'AGREE' button clicked. This will cause the counter to move on and the next turn to commence.
- The computer randomly chooses the team to start.
- The first player of that team acts as the describer.
- At the end of the turn, it becomes the next teams turn.
- The role of describer cycles round each team.
- When describing you must not:
- Say what letter the word starts with, or how many letters it has.
- Say the word or any derivative e.g. if the word is "post" you must not say "postage" or "postman"; for "swim" you may not say "swimmer" etc.
- Use "rhymes with" or "sounds like" type clues.
- When describing you may:
- Gesticulate, act, mime (NOT mouth the word).
- Say the word or any derivative e.g. if the word is "post" you must not say "postage" or "postman"; for "swim" you may not say "swimmer" etc.
- Use "rhymes with" or "sounds like" type clues.
- Once a team's counter crosses the finish line, play continues until all teams have had an equal number of goes.
- The winning team is the one that has successfully communicated the most items.